Wednesday, April 9, 2014

2014 Yellows Springs Farm, Day Three- Rory

Day 3, April 9th

Well, finally, I got to do the cheese-making part of my internship. I was told that in this internship I would be learning how to make cheese, but it turned out that most of the time I was taught how to rake cow poop and hay.

I did a couple of things with the produce/preparation of making cheese. The first thing I did was I wipe an old cheese wheel with locally brewed beer, I think at least a couple of months old... Not too sure...Then, I wrapped it up and labeled it with the farms marketing stickers so that it would be ready to be sold. 
The second thing I did was take newly made cheese out of these cases and then soak them in salty water brine. I'm not exactly sure what doing that did, but I think it may have just helped for when the mold formed. And last but not least, I basically flipped every single block/wheel of cheese over on the racks in the dark room, so that the mold formed evenly and that the cheese wouldn't stick to the racks.

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