Tuesday, April 9, 2013

2013 Yellow Springs Farm Day Two -Nick

Today we didn't milk the goats. We cleaned out the stalls first and then headed over to Hollow Farm to take care with the kids and goats over there. When we got there, we found that a doe had given birth to two kids. We helped the kids learn how to drink from their mothers teats. We most of the morning feeding, watering, and mucking out for the goats at Hollow Farm. When we had finished these chores, we were shown how to trim the baby goats hooves. We did a couple goats and then it was time for lunch

After lunch we went back to Hollow farm. We finished mucking out the barn and then fed the babies. We had to take a baby away from its mother tho give to a person who wanted him. It was sad because the baby and the mother were crying when they were being separated. We had to hand milk the mother. We gave the milk to her baby via a small bottle. We sent some of the milk how with the family that was taking him. We finished the day by bringing some bales of hay into the feed room.

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