Friday, April 15, 2011

Soapmaking Day 4

By Eve Donnelly
Today was my last day of the internship.  I took my soap of of the mold and it looks really good!! Not like anything we expected but good! After I cut my soap, I dusted some gold mica dust on top. I must admit it is quite girly looking but I love it!  

When Ellen wants to create a new kind of soap she tests out smells in small amounts of essential oils. We tested many smells today and with Dave’s help she decided on one of them: a gardener’s soap. After she decided on the smell, we made that batch of this new soap along with two other soaps. The last thing that I did today was learn how to put figures into a database that helps keep track of how many soaps there are left, how many were sold, what materials are running low and need to be replenished.

I have enjoyed this experience from the start to the end. I would definitely love to work with Ellen again and to make more soap!!

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