Thursday, April 7, 2011

Day Two of Metal Working

Hello once again! Working with metal today was alot of fun because I used what I learned yesterday to help my supervisor put details onto a very ornate gate he has spent a few months creating. Together we bent steel and from the forge hammered out a lock to hold the gate in place. Using a plasma cutter (heated air that's so hot it becomes plasma), we cut out a square and sanded it down so that the bolt wouldn't rub up against the rough corners of the lock.

We also sanded down the rough edges of the rotative gate itself so that the opening and closing was more fluid and it took less energy to move the gate once it was out of the lock. Overall it was a very efficient day! Tomorrow I will go on a field trip to releases to pick up some more recycled steel. This is turning out to be a blast!

Mikael Mihranian

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